
Add-On Diagrams


Author:Pierre Marletta
License: FPDF


This script allows to generate pie charts and bar diagrams. It uses the Sector script.

PieChart(float w, float h, array data, string format [, array colors])

w: maximum width of the diagram.
h: maximum height of the diagram.
data: associative array containing the labels and the corresponding data.
format: format used to display the legends. It is a string which can contain the following special values: %l (label), %v (value) and %p (percentage).
colors: array containing the colors. If not given, a grayscale will be used.

BarDiag(float w, float h, array data, string format [, array couleur [, int maxVal [, int nbDiv]]])

w: width of the diagram.
h: height of the diagram.
data: associative array containing the labels and the corresponding data.
format: format used to display the legends. It is a string which can contain the following special values: %l (label), %v (value) and %p (percentage).
color: color of the bars. If not given, gray will be used.
maxVal: high value of the scale. Defaults to the maximum value of the data.
nbDiv: number of subdivisions of the scale (4 by default).



class PDF_Diag extends PDF_Sector {
    var $legends;
    var $wLegend;
    var $sum;
    var $NbVal;

    function PieChart($w, $h, $data, $format, $colors=null)
        $this->SetFont('Courier', '', 10);
        $this->SetLegends($data, $format);

        $XPage = $this->GetX();
        $YPage = $this->GetY();
        $margin = 2;
        $hLegend = 5;
        $radius = min($w - $margin * 4 - $hLegend - $this->wLegend, $h - $margin * 2);
        $radius = floor($radius / 2);
        $XDiag = $XPage + $margin + $radius;
        $YDiag = $YPage + $margin + $radius;
        if($colors == null) {
            for($i = 0; $i < $this->NbVal; $i++) {
                $gray = $i * intval(255 / $this->NbVal);
                $colors[$i] = array($gray, $gray, $gray);

        $angleStart = 0;
        $angleEnd = 0;
        $i = 0;
        foreach($data as $val) {
            $angle = ($val * 360) / doubleval($this->sum);
            if ($angle != 0) {
                $angleEnd = $angleStart + $angle;
                $this->SetFillColor($colors[$i][0], $colors[$i][1], $colors[$i][2]);
                $this->Sector($XDiag, $YDiag, $radius, $angleStart, $angleEnd);
                $angleStart += $angle;

        $this->SetFont('Courier', '', 10);
        $x1 = $XPage + 2 * $radius + 4 * $margin;
        $x2 = $x1 + $hLegend + $margin;
        $y1 = $YDiag - $radius + (2 * $radius - $this->NbVal*($hLegend + $margin)) / 2;
        for($i=0; $i<$this->NbVal; $i++) {
            $this->SetFillColor($colors[$i][0], $colors[$i][1], $colors[$i][2]);
            $this->Rect($x1, $y1, $hLegend, $hLegend, 'DF');
            $this->SetXY($x2, $y1);
            $this->Cell(0, $hLegend, $this->legends[$i]);
            $y1+=$hLegend + $margin;

    function BarDiagram($w, $h, $data, $format, $color=null, $maxVal=0, $nbDiv=4)
        $this->SetFont('Courier', '', 10);
        $this->SetLegends($data, $format);

        $XPage = $this->GetX();
        $YPage = $this->GetY();
        $margin = 2;
        $YDiag = $YPage + $margin;
        $hDiag = floor($h - $margin * 2);
        $XDiag = $XPage + $margin * 2 + $this->wLegend;
        $lDiag = floor($w - $margin * 3 - $this->wLegend);
        if($color == null)
            $color=array(155, 155, 155);
        if ($maxVal == 0) {
            $maxVal = max($data);
        $valIndRepere = ceil($maxVal / $nbDiv);
        $maxVal = $valIndRepere * $nbDiv;
        $lRepere = floor($lDiag / $nbDiv);
        $lDiag = $lRepere * $nbDiv;
        $unit = $lDiag / $maxVal;
        $hBar = floor($hDiag / ($this->NbVal + 1));
        $hDiag = $hBar * ($this->NbVal + 1);
        $eBaton = floor($hBar * 80 / 100);

        $this->Rect($XDiag, $YDiag, $lDiag, $hDiag);

        $this->SetFont('Courier', '', 10);
        $this->SetFillColor($color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);
        foreach($data as $val) {
            $xval = $XDiag;
            $lval = (int)($val * $unit);
            $yval = $YDiag + ($i + 1) * $hBar - $eBaton / 2;
            $hval = $eBaton;
            $this->Rect($xval, $yval, $lval, $hval, 'DF');
            $this->SetXY(0, $yval);
            $this->Cell($xval - $margin, $hval, $this->legends[$i], 0, 0, 'R');

        for ($i = 0; $i <= $nbDiv; $i++) {
            $xpos = $XDiag + $lRepere * $i;
            $this->Line($xpos, $YDiag, $xpos, $YDiag + $hDiag);
            $val = $i * $valIndRepere;
            $xpos = $XDiag + $lRepere * $i - $this->GetStringWidth($val) / 2;
            $ypos = $YDiag + $hDiag - $margin;
            $this->Text($xpos, $ypos, $val);

    function SetLegends($data, $format)
        foreach($data as $l=>$val)
            $p=sprintf('%.2f', $val/$this->sum*100).'%';
            $legend=str_replace(array('%l', '%v', '%p'), array($l, $val, $p), $format);
            $this->wLegend=max($this->GetStringWidth($legend), $this->wLegend);



$pdf = new PDF_Diag();

$data = array('Men' => 1510, 'Women' => 1610, 'Children' => 1400);

//Pie chart
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'BIU', 12);
$pdf->Cell(0, 5, '1 - Pie chart', 0, 1);

$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
$valX = $pdf->GetX();
$valY = $pdf->GetY();
$pdf->Cell(30, 5, 'Number of men:');
$pdf->Cell(15, 5, $data['Men'], 0, 0, 'R');
$pdf->Cell(30, 5, 'Number of women:');
$pdf->Cell(15, 5, $data['Women'], 0, 0, 'R');
$pdf->Cell(30, 5, 'Number of children:');
$pdf->Cell(15, 5, $data['Children'], 0, 0, 'R');

$pdf->SetXY(90, $valY);
$col1=array(100, 100, 255);
$col2=array(255, 100, 100);
$col3=array(255, 255, 100);
$pdf->PieChart(100, 35, $data, '%l (%p)', array($col1, $col2, $col3));
$pdf->SetXY($valX, $valY + 40);

//Bar diagram
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'BIU', 12);
$pdf->Cell(0, 5, '2 - Bar diagram', 0, 1);
$valX = $pdf->GetX();
$valY = $pdf->GetY();
$pdf->BarDiagram(190, 70, $data, '%l : %v (%p)', array(255, 175, 100));
$pdf->SetXY($valX, $valY + 80);

View the result here.


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