
Add-On Labels


Author: LPA
License: FPDF


This class allows to print labels easily in any format (AVERY or custom).


// PDF_Label 
// Class to print labels in Avery or custom formats
// Copyright (C) 2003 Laurent PASSEBECQ (LPA)
// Based on code by Steve Dillon
// 1.0: Initial release
// 1.1: + Added unit in the constructor
//      + Now Positions start at (1, 1).. then the first label at top-left of a page is (1, 1)
//      + Added in the description of a label:
//           font-size : defaut char size (can be changed by calling Set_Char_Size(xx);
//           paper-size: Size of the paper for this sheet (thanx to Al Canton)
//           metric    : type of unit used in this description
//                       You can define your label properties in inches by setting metric to
//                       'in' and print in millimiters by setting unit to 'mm' in constructor
//        Added some formats:
//           5160, 5161, 5162, 5163, 5164: thanks to Al Canton
//           8600                        : thanks to Kunal Walia
//      + Added 3mm to the position of labels to avoid errors 
// 1.2: = Bug of positioning
//      = Set_Font_Size modified -> Now, just modify the size of the font
// 1.3: + Labels are now printed horizontally
//      = 'in' as document unit didn't work
// 1.4: + Page scaling is disabled in printing options
// 1.5: + Added 3422 format
// 1.6: + FPDF 1.8 compatibility

 * PDF_Label - PDF label editing
 * @package PDF_Label
 * @author Laurent PASSEBECQ
 * @copyright 2003 Laurent PASSEBECQ


class PDF_Label extends FPDF {

    // Private properties
    protected $_Margin_Left;        // Left margin of labels
    protected $_Margin_Top;            // Top margin of labels
    protected $_X_Space;            // Horizontal space between 2 labels
    protected $_Y_Space;            // Vertical space between 2 labels
    protected $_X_Number;            // Number of labels horizontally
    protected $_Y_Number;            // Number of labels vertically
    protected $_Width;                // Width of label
    protected $_Height;                // Height of label
    protected $_Line_Height;        // Line height
    protected $_Padding;            // Padding
    protected $_Metric_Doc;            // Type of metric for the document
    protected $_COUNTX;                // Current x position
    protected $_COUNTY;                // Current y position

    // List of label formats
    protected $_Avery_Labels = array(
        '5160' => array('paper-size'=>'letter',    'metric'=>'mm',    'marginLeft'=>1.762,    'marginTop'=>10.7,        'NX'=>3,    'NY'=>10,    'SpaceX'=>3.175,    'SpaceY'=>0,    'width'=>66.675,    'height'=>25.4,        'font-size'=>8), 
        '5161' => array('paper-size'=>'letter',    'metric'=>'mm',    'marginLeft'=>0.967,    'marginTop'=>10.7,        'NX'=>2,    'NY'=>10,    'SpaceX'=>3.967,    'SpaceY'=>0,    'width'=>101.6,        'height'=>25.4,        'font-size'=>8), 
        '5162' => array('paper-size'=>'letter',    'metric'=>'mm',    'marginLeft'=>0.97,        'marginTop'=>20.224,    'NX'=>2,    'NY'=>7,    'SpaceX'=>4.762,    'SpaceY'=>0,    'width'=>100.807,    'height'=>35.72,    'font-size'=>8), 
        '5163' => array('paper-size'=>'letter',    'metric'=>'mm',    'marginLeft'=>1.762,    'marginTop'=>10.7,         'NX'=>2,    'NY'=>5,    'SpaceX'=>3.175,    'SpaceY'=>0,    'width'=>101.6,        'height'=>50.8,        'font-size'=>8), 
        '5164' => array('paper-size'=>'letter',    'metric'=>'in',    'marginLeft'=>0.148,    'marginTop'=>0.5,         'NX'=>2,    'NY'=>3,    'SpaceX'=>0.2031,    'SpaceY'=>0,    'width'=>4.0,        'height'=>3.33,        'font-size'=>12), 
        '8600' => array('paper-size'=>'letter',    'metric'=>'mm',    'marginLeft'=>7.1,         'marginTop'=>19,         'NX'=>3,     'NY'=>10,     'SpaceX'=>9.5,         'SpaceY'=>3.1,     'width'=>66.6,         'height'=>25.4,        'font-size'=>8), 
        'L7163'=> array('paper-size'=>'A4',        'metric'=>'mm',    'marginLeft'=>5,        'marginTop'=>15,         'NX'=>2,    'NY'=>7,    'SpaceX'=>25,        'SpaceY'=>0,    'width'=>99.1,        'height'=>38.1,        'font-size'=>9), 
        '3422' => array('paper-size'=>'A4',        'metric'=>'mm',    'marginLeft'=>0,        'marginTop'=>8.5,         'NX'=>3,    'NY'=>8,    'SpaceX'=>0,        'SpaceY'=>0,    'width'=>70,        'height'=>35,        'font-size'=>9)

    // Constructor
    function __construct($format, $unit='mm', $posX=1, $posY=1) {
        if (is_array($format)) {
            // Custom format
            $Tformat = $format;
        } else {
            // Built-in format
            if (!isset($this->_Avery_Labels[$format]))
                $this->Error('Unknown label format: '.$format);
            $Tformat = $this->_Avery_Labels[$format];

        parent::__construct('P', $unit, $Tformat['paper-size']);
        $this->_Metric_Doc = $unit;
        $this->SetMargins(0, 0); 
        $this->_COUNTX = $posX-2;
        $this->_COUNTY = $posY-1;

    function _Set_Format($format) {
        $this->_Margin_Left    = $this->_Convert_Metric($format['marginLeft'], $format['metric']);
        $this->_Margin_Top    = $this->_Convert_Metric($format['marginTop'], $format['metric']);
        $this->_X_Space     = $this->_Convert_Metric($format['SpaceX'], $format['metric']);
        $this->_Y_Space     = $this->_Convert_Metric($format['SpaceY'], $format['metric']);
        $this->_X_Number     = $format['NX'];
        $this->_Y_Number     = $format['NY'];
        $this->_Width         = $this->_Convert_Metric($format['width'], $format['metric']);
        $this->_Height         = $this->_Convert_Metric($format['height'], $format['metric']);
        $this->_Padding        = $this->_Convert_Metric(3, 'mm');

    // convert units (in to mm, mm to in)
    // $src must be 'in' or 'mm'
    function _Convert_Metric($value, $src) {
        $dest = $this->_Metric_Doc;
        if ($src != $dest) {
            $a['in'] = 39.37008;
            $a['mm'] = 1000;
            return $value * $a[$dest] / $a[$src];
        } else {
            return $value;

    // Give the line height for a given font size
    function _Get_Height_Chars($pt) {
        $a = array(6=>2, 7=>2.5, 8=>3, 9=>4, 10=>5, 11=>6, 12=>7, 13=>8, 14=>9, 15=>10);
        if (!isset($a[$pt]))
            $this->Error('Invalid font size: '.$pt);
        return $this->_Convert_Metric($a[$pt], 'mm');

    // Set the character size
    // This changes the line height too
    function Set_Font_Size($pt) {
        $this->_Line_Height = $this->_Get_Height_Chars($pt);

    // Print a label
    function Add_Label($text) {
        if ($this->_COUNTX == $this->_X_Number) {
            // Row full, we start a new one
            if ($this->_COUNTY == $this->_Y_Number) {
                // End of page reached, we start a new one

        $_PosX = $this->_Margin_Left + $this->_COUNTX*($this->_Width+$this->_X_Space) + $this->_Padding;
        $_PosY = $this->_Margin_Top + $this->_COUNTY*($this->_Height+$this->_Y_Space) + $this->_Padding;
        $this->SetXY($_PosX, $_PosY);
        $this->MultiCell($this->_Width - $this->_Padding, $this->_Line_Height, $text, 0, 'L');

    function _putcatalog()
        // Disable the page scaling option in the printing dialog
        $this->_put('/ViewerPreferences <</PrintScaling /None>>');




To create the object, 2 possibilities:
either pass a custom format via an array
or use a built-in AVERY name

// Example of custom format
// $pdf = new PDF_Label(array('paper-size'=>'A4', 'metric'=>'mm', 'marginLeft'=>1, 'marginTop'=>1, 'NX'=>2, 'NY'=>7, 'SpaceX'=>0, 'SpaceY'=>0, 'width'=>99, 'height'=>38, 'font-size'=>14));

// Standard format
$pdf = new PDF_Label('L7163');


// Print labels
for($i=1;$i<=20;$i++) {
    $text = sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s %s, %s", "Laurent $i", 'Immeuble Toto', 'av. Fragonard', '06000', 'NICE', 'FRANCE');

View the result here.


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Wie kann ich das Problem lösen?

Öffnen Sie die aktuelle Log-Datei im Ordner var/logs bzw. app/logs und suchen Sie die zugehörige Fehlermeldung (normalerweise die letzte).

Weitere Informationen

Die Skriptausführung wurde gestoppt, weil irgendetwas nicht korrekt funktioniert. Die eigentliche Fehlermeldung wird aus Sicherheitsgründen hinter dieser Meldung verborgen und findet sich in der aktuellen Log-Datei (siehe oben). Wenn Sie die Fehlermeldung nicht verstehen oder nicht wissen, wie das Problem zu beheben ist, durchsuchen Sie die Contao-FAQs oder besuchen Sie die Contao-Supportseite.