MultiCell with bullet

Add-On MultiCell with bullet


Author: Patrick Benny
License: FPDF


This method allows to output a MultiCell with a bullet in front of the first line. Text is indented to the right of the bullet.
Usage is the same as MultiCell except that there's an extra $blt parameter for the text of the bullet.

MultiCellBlt(float w, float h, string blt, string txt [, mixed border [, string align [, boolean fill]]])



class PDF extends FPDF
    //MultiCell with bullet
    function MultiCellBlt($w, $h, $blt, $txt, $border=0, $align='J', $fill=false)
        //Get bullet width including margins
        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth($blt)+$this->cMargin*2;

        //Save x
        $bak_x = $this->x;

        //Output bullet
        $this->Cell($blt_width, $h, $blt, 0, '', $fill);

        //Output text
        $this->MultiCell($w-$blt_width, $h, $txt, $border, $align, $fill);

        //Restore x
        $this->x = $bak_x;



$pdf = new PDF();
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12);

$column_width = ($pdf->GetPageWidth()-30)/2;
$sample_text = 'This is bulleted text. The text is indented and the bullet appears at the first line only.';

for ($n=1; $n<=3; $n++)
    $pdf->MultiCellBlt($column_width, 6, chr(149), $sample_text.' '.$sample_text);

for ($n=1; $n<=2; $n++)
    $pdf->MultiCellBlt($column_width, 6, '>', $sample_text.' '.$sample_text);

$pdf->SetXY($column_width+10*2, 10);
for ($n=1; $n<=10; $n++)
    $pdf->MultiCellBlt($column_width, 6, "$n)", $sample_text);

View the result here.


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