Example with PHPlot

Add-On Example with PHPlot


Author:Ulrich Taaken
License: FPDF


This script shows how to embed a graph generated by PHPlot in a PDF. It makes use of the script Memory images.
The important thing to note is the call to the SetPrintImage() method to prevent the image from being sent to the browser. The GD identifier is then retrieved via $graph->img.



$graph = new PHPlot(500, 300);

//Specify some data
$data = array(
    array('', 2000,  750), 
    array('', 2010, 1700), 
    array('', 2015, 2000), 
    array('', 2020, 1800), 
    array('', 2025, 1300), 
    array('', 2030,  400)

//Specify plotting area details
$graph->SetTitle('Social Security trust fund asset estimates, in $ billions');
$graph->SetMarginsPixels(null, null, 40, null);
$graph->SetPlotAreaWorld(2000, 0, 2035, 2000);
$graph->SetDataColors(array('red'), array('black'));

//Define the X axis

//Define the Y axis

//Disable image output
//Draw the graph

$pdf = new PDF_MemImage();
$pdf->GDImage($graph->img, 30, 20, 140);
View the result here.


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