Add-On MultiCell with bullets
Author: Sean BenoitLicense: FPDF
This script allows to output a bulleted list with a single call to MultiCellBltArray(). Parameters are passed through an array.Source
class PDF extends FPDF
* *
* MultiCell with bullet (array) *
* *
* Requires an array with the following keys: *
* *
* Bullet -> String or Number *
* Margin -> Number, space between bullet and text *
* Indent -> Number, width from current x position *
* Spacer -> Number, calls Cell(x), spacer=x *
* Text -> Array, items to be bulleted *
* *
function MultiCellBltArray($w, $h, $blt_array, $border=0, $align='J', $fill=false)
if (!is_array($blt_array))
die('MultiCellBltArray requires an array with the following keys: bullet, margin, text, indent, spacer');
//Save x
$bak_x = $this->x;
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($blt_array['text']); $i++)
//Get bullet width including margin
$blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth($blt_array['bullet'] . $blt_array['margin'])+$this->cMargin*2;
// SetX
//Output indent
if ($blt_array['indent'] > 0)
//Output bullet
$this->Cell($blt_width, $h, $blt_array['bullet'] . $blt_array['margin'], 0, '', $fill);
//Output text
$this->MultiCell($w-$blt_width, $h, $blt_array['text'][$i], $border, $align, $fill);
//Insert a spacer between items if not the last item
if ($i != sizeof($blt_array['text'])-1)
//Increment bullet if it's a number
if (is_numeric($blt_array['bullet']))
//Restore x
$this->x = $bak_x;
$pdf=new PDF();
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
$column_width = $pdf->GetPageWidth()-30;
$sample_text = 'This is bulleted text. The text is indented and the bullet appears at the first line only. This list is built with a single call to MultiCellBltArray().';
$test1 = array();
$test1['bullet'] = chr(149);
$test1['margin'] = ' ';
$test1['indent'] = 0;
$test1['spacer'] = 0;
$test1['text'] = array();
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++)
$test1['text'][$i] = $sample_text;
$pdf->MultiCellBltArray($column_width-$pdf->GetX(), 6, $test1);
//Test 2
$test2 = array();
$test2['bullet'] = '>';
$test2['margin'] = ' ';
$test2['indent'] = 5;
$test2['spacer'] = 5;
$test2['text'] = array();
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++)
$test2['text'][$i] = $sample_text;
$pdf->MultiCellBltArray($column_width-$pdf->GetX(), 6, $test2);
//Test 3
$test3 = array();
$test3['bullet'] = 1;
$test3['margin'] = ') ';
$test3['indent'] = 10;
$test3['spacer'] = 10;
$test3['text'] = array();
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++)
$test3['text'][$i] = $sample_text;
$pdf->MultiCellBltArray($column_width-$pdf->GetX(), 6, $test3);