Add-On i25 barcodes
Author: Matthias LauLicense: FPDF
This script implements Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes. An Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode contains digits (0 to 9) and encodes the data in the width of both bars and spaces. It is used primarily in the distribution and warehouse industry.i25(float xpos, float ypos, string code [, float basewidth [, float height]])
: abscissa of barcodeypos
: ordinate of barcodecode
: value of barcodebasewidth
: corresponds to the width of a wide bar (defaults to 1)height
: bar height (defaults to 10)Note: if the length of the code is not even, a 0 is preprended.
// based on the Code 39 script from The-eh
class PDF_i25 extends FPDF
function i25($xpos, $ypos, $code, $basewidth=1, $height=10){
$wide = $basewidth;
$narrow = $basewidth / 3 ;
// wide/narrow codes for the digits
$barChar['0'] = 'nnwwn';
$barChar['1'] = 'wnnnw';
$barChar['2'] = 'nwnnw';
$barChar['3'] = 'wwnnn';
$barChar['4'] = 'nnwnw';
$barChar['5'] = 'wnwnn';
$barChar['6'] = 'nwwnn';
$barChar['7'] = 'nnnww';
$barChar['8'] = 'wnnwn';
$barChar['9'] = 'nwnwn';
$barChar['A'] = 'nn';
$barChar['Z'] = 'wn';
// add leading zero if code-length is odd
if(strlen($code) % 2 != 0){
$code = '0' . $code;
$this->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
$this->Text($xpos, $ypos + $height + 4, $code);
// add start and stop codes
$code = 'AA'.strtolower($code).'ZA';
for($i=0; $i<strlen($code); $i=$i+2){
// choose next pair of digits
$charBar = $code[$i];
$charSpace = $code[$i+1];
// check whether it is a valid digit
$this->Error('Invalid character in barcode: '.$charBar);
$this->Error('Invalid character in barcode: '.$charSpace);
// create a wide/narrow-sequence (first digit=bars, second digit=spaces)
$seq = '';
for($s=0; $s<strlen($barChar[$charBar]); $s++){
$seq .= $barChar[$charBar][$s] . $barChar[$charSpace][$s];
for($bar=0; $bar<strlen($seq); $bar++){
// set lineWidth depending on value
if($seq[$bar] == 'n'){
$lineWidth = $narrow;
$lineWidth = $wide;
// draw every second value, because the second digit of the pair is represented by the spaces
if($bar % 2 == 0){
$this->Rect($xpos, $ypos, $lineWidth, $height, 'F');
$xpos += $lineWidth;
$pdf = new PDF_i25();
$pdf->i25(90, 40, '12345678');