Extended Code 39 barcodes

Add-On Extended Code 39 barcodes


Author:Emmanuel Havet
License: FPDF


This script supports both standard and extended Code 39 barcodes. The extended mode gives access to the full ASCII range (from 0 to 127). The script also gives the possibility to add a checksum.

Code39(float x, float y, string code [, boolean ext [, boolean cks [, float w [, float h [, boolean wide]]]]])

x: abscissa
y: ordinate
code: barcode value
ext: indicates if extended mode must be used (true by default)
cks: indicates if a checksum must be appended (false by default)
w: width of a narrow bar (0.4 by default)
h: height of bars (20 by default)
wide: indicates if ratio between wide and narrow bars is high; if yes, ratio is 3, if no, it's 2 (true by default)



class PDF_Code39 extends FPDF {

function Code39($x, $y, $code, $ext = true, $cks = false, $w = 0.4, $h = 20, $wide = true) {

    //Display code
    $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
    $this->Text($x, $y+$h+4, $code);

    if($ext) {
        //Extended encoding
        $code = $this->encode_code39_ext($code);
    else {
        //Convert to upper case
        $code = strtoupper($code);
        //Check validity
        if(!preg_match('|^[0-9A-Z. $/+%-]*$|', $code))
            $this->Error('Invalid barcode value: '.$code);

    //Compute checksum
    if ($cks)
        $code .= $this->checksum_code39($code);

    //Add start and stop characters
    $code = '*'.$code.'*';

    //Conversion tables
    $narrow_encoding = array (
        '0' => '101001101101', '1' => '110100101011', '2' => '101100101011', 
        '3' => '110110010101', '4' => '101001101011', '5' => '110100110101', 
        '6' => '101100110101', '7' => '101001011011', '8' => '110100101101', 
        '9' => '101100101101', 'A' => '110101001011', 'B' => '101101001011', 
        'C' => '110110100101', 'D' => '101011001011', 'E' => '110101100101', 
        'F' => '101101100101', 'G' => '101010011011', 'H' => '110101001101', 
        'I' => '101101001101', 'J' => '101011001101', 'K' => '110101010011', 
        'L' => '101101010011', 'M' => '110110101001', 'N' => '101011010011', 
        'O' => '110101101001', 'P' => '101101101001', 'Q' => '101010110011', 
        'R' => '110101011001', 'S' => '101101011001', 'T' => '101011011001', 
        'U' => '110010101011', 'V' => '100110101011', 'W' => '110011010101', 
        'X' => '100101101011', 'Y' => '110010110101', 'Z' => '100110110101', 
        '-' => '100101011011', '.' => '110010101101', ' ' => '100110101101', 
        '*' => '100101101101', '$' => '100100100101', '/' => '100100101001', 
        '+' => '100101001001', '%' => '101001001001' );

    $wide_encoding = array (
        '0' => '101000111011101', '1' => '111010001010111', '2' => '101110001010111', 
        '3' => '111011100010101', '4' => '101000111010111', '5' => '111010001110101', 
        '6' => '101110001110101', '7' => '101000101110111', '8' => '111010001011101', 
        '9' => '101110001011101', 'A' => '111010100010111', 'B' => '101110100010111', 
        'C' => '111011101000101', 'D' => '101011100010111', 'E' => '111010111000101', 
        'F' => '101110111000101', 'G' => '101010001110111', 'H' => '111010100011101', 
        'I' => '101110100011101', 'J' => '101011100011101', 'K' => '111010101000111', 
        'L' => '101110101000111', 'M' => '111011101010001', 'N' => '101011101000111', 
        'O' => '111010111010001', 'P' => '101110111010001', 'Q' => '101010111000111', 
        'R' => '111010101110001', 'S' => '101110101110001', 'T' => '101011101110001', 
        'U' => '111000101010111', 'V' => '100011101010111', 'W' => '111000111010101', 
        'X' => '100010111010111', 'Y' => '111000101110101', 'Z' => '100011101110101', 
        '-' => '100010101110111', '.' => '111000101011101', ' ' => '100011101011101', 
        '*' => '100010111011101', '$' => '100010001000101', '/' => '100010001010001', 
        '+' => '100010100010001', '%' => '101000100010001');

    $encoding = $wide ? $wide_encoding : $narrow_encoding;

    //Inter-character spacing
    $gap = ($w > 0.29) ? '00' : '0';

    //Convert to bars
    $encode = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i< strlen($code); $i++)
        $encode .= $encoding[$code[$i]].$gap;

    //Draw bars
    $this->draw_code39($encode, $x, $y, $w, $h);

function checksum_code39($code) {

    //Compute the modulo 43 checksum

    $chars = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 
                            'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 
                            'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 
                            'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '-', '.', ' ', '$', '/', '+', '%');
    $sum = 0;
    for ($i=0 ; $i<strlen($code); $i++) {
        $a = array_keys($chars, $code[$i]);
        $sum += $a[0];
    $r = $sum % 43;
    return $chars[$r];

function encode_code39_ext($code) {

    //Encode characters in extended mode

    $encode = array(
        chr(0) => '%U', chr(1) => '$A', chr(2) => '$B', chr(3) => '$C', 
        chr(4) => '$D', chr(5) => '$E', chr(6) => '$F', chr(7) => '$G', 
        chr(8) => '$H', chr(9) => '$I', chr(10) => '$J', chr(11) => '£K', 
        chr(12) => '$L', chr(13) => '$M', chr(14) => '$N', chr(15) => '$O', 
        chr(16) => '$P', chr(17) => '$Q', chr(18) => '$R', chr(19) => '$S', 
        chr(20) => '$T', chr(21) => '$U', chr(22) => '$V', chr(23) => '$W', 
        chr(24) => '$X', chr(25) => '$Y', chr(26) => '$Z', chr(27) => '%A', 
        chr(28) => '%B', chr(29) => '%C', chr(30) => '%D', chr(31) => '%E', 
        chr(32) => ' ', chr(33) => '/A', chr(34) => '/B', chr(35) => '/C', 
        chr(36) => '/D', chr(37) => '/E', chr(38) => '/F', chr(39) => '/G', 
        chr(40) => '/H', chr(41) => '/I', chr(42) => '/J', chr(43) => '/K', 
        chr(44) => '/L', chr(45) => '-', chr(46) => '.', chr(47) => '/O', 
        chr(48) => '0', chr(49) => '1', chr(50) => '2', chr(51) => '3', 
        chr(52) => '4', chr(53) => '5', chr(54) => '6', chr(55) => '7', 
        chr(56) => '8', chr(57) => '9', chr(58) => '/Z', chr(59) => '%F', 
        chr(60) => '%G', chr(61) => '%H', chr(62) => '%I', chr(63) => '%J', 
        chr(64) => '%V', chr(65) => 'A', chr(66) => 'B', chr(67) => 'C', 
        chr(68) => 'D', chr(69) => 'E', chr(70) => 'F', chr(71) => 'G', 
        chr(72) => 'H', chr(73) => 'I', chr(74) => 'J', chr(75) => 'K', 
        chr(76) => 'L', chr(77) => 'M', chr(78) => 'N', chr(79) => 'O', 
        chr(80) => 'P', chr(81) => 'Q', chr(82) => 'R', chr(83) => 'S', 
        chr(84) => 'T', chr(85) => 'U', chr(86) => 'V', chr(87) => 'W', 
        chr(88) => 'X', chr(89) => 'Y', chr(90) => 'Z', chr(91) => '%K', 
        chr(92) => '%L', chr(93) => '%M', chr(94) => '%N', chr(95) => '%O', 
        chr(96) => '%W', chr(97) => '+A', chr(98) => '+B', chr(99) => '+C', 
        chr(100) => '+D', chr(101) => '+E', chr(102) => '+F', chr(103) => '+G', 
        chr(104) => '+H', chr(105) => '+I', chr(106) => '+J', chr(107) => '+K', 
        chr(108) => '+L', chr(109) => '+M', chr(110) => '+N', chr(111) => '+O', 
        chr(112) => '+P', chr(113) => '+Q', chr(114) => '+R', chr(115) => '+S', 
        chr(116) => '+T', chr(117) => '+U', chr(118) => '+V', chr(119) => '+W', 
        chr(120) => '+X', chr(121) => '+Y', chr(122) => '+Z', chr(123) => '%P', 
        chr(124) => '%Q', chr(125) => '%R', chr(126) => '%S', chr(127) => '%T');

    $code_ext = '';
    for ($i = 0 ; $i<strlen($code); $i++) {
        if (ord($code[$i]) > 127)
            $this->Error('Invalid character: '.$code[$i]);
        $code_ext .= $encode[$code[$i]];
    return $code_ext;

function draw_code39($code, $x, $y, $w, $h) {

    //Draw bars

    for($i=0; $i<strlen($code); $i++) {
        if($code[$i] == '1')
            $this->Rect($x+$i*$w, $y, $w, $h, 'F');



$pdf = new PDF_Code39();
$pdf->Code39(60, 30, 'Code 39');
View the result here.


Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten

Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten

Was ist das Problem?

Bei der Ausführung des Skriptes ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Irgendetwas funktioniert nicht richtig.

Wie kann ich das Problem lösen?

Öffnen Sie die aktuelle Log-Datei im Ordner var/logs bzw. app/logs und suchen Sie die zugehörige Fehlermeldung (normalerweise die letzte).

Weitere Informationen

Die Skriptausführung wurde gestoppt, weil irgendetwas nicht korrekt funktioniert. Die eigentliche Fehlermeldung wird aus Sicherheitsgründen hinter dieser Meldung verborgen und findet sich in der aktuellen Log-Datei (siehe oben). Wenn Sie die Fehlermeldung nicht verstehen oder nicht wissen, wie das Problem zu beheben ist, durchsuchen Sie die Contao-FAQs oder besuchen Sie die Contao-Supportseite.